Friday 2 September 2011

How easy...

This has to be one of the easiest things i have ever started. Not that this has ever been a new years resolution, but i can proudly say i have started something new this year! Even if it is a blog! I still cant comprehend how simple this was!!!
Then again come to think of it, what cant you do these days in a simple 3 step process?
connect to the world:
step 1: get a device that can connect to the Internet
step 2: join a social network
step 3: reinvent yourself in order to gain many co connectors in order to communicate

Getting your husbands attention:
step 1: dress up in black
step 2: ensure you have DSTV remote written in massive bold letters
step 3: make sure your favourite buttons are in positions "2" "0" "1"

Adding Zing to your AmA...zing!
step 1: wear a pair or red shoes
step 2: add some bubbly
step 3: New York it!

have a fabulous day....

oh so coco

chanel x

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