Wednesday 28 September 2011


OH My GOODNESS....... how i love the smells! Smelling is possibly my favourite sense after touching. how can i justify this? Well if you have ever had a blind tasting then you would know that the excitement alone sends your nose into overdrive! Your imagination goes wild with images of every possible thing you are smelling. And of course if you have even the smallest inclination of what my imagination is like then you would know that not only do i smell the actual scent but picture a thousand other things, which are mostly fictitious, but are of the craziest caliber. Delightful i say!
Lets take an example:
Blind tasting one day by choice, so don't even start getting ideas about romance or some sexy hunky man spoiling me, at home with mates as an experiment. (it was actually rather fun, all bringing a secret food fabulous dish and blind tasting)
What i smelled: actual smell was sweet in scent with a almost dusty undercurrent.
What i pictured: what a baby pink cloud would look like in fairy land on a perfect summers day. It was as if i smelled strawberry ice cream cotton candy...... wish that was a real option!
What i tasted: as it was sweet smelling, i had no problem popping the entire morsel into my mouth, the texture is always a surprise.. in this case it was softer than anticipated with a flavour that shot through every happy red blood cell in my body. Because i associated it with pink initially i just pictured all similar happy colour things inside of me being effected.....lips, mouth, cuticle and even the little beauty spot next to my belly button. They all went ballistic and started fidgeting as if they had landed in a vat of red bull
while i was chewing the morsel started out squishy and then finally ended up disintegrating in my mouth leaving me salivating for more. Happy mouth :)
turns out my mad crazy experience only lasted about 1 minute and that it was only a marshmallow (pink)

but back to our smells and why they excite me besides that little just conjures up all kinds of crazy imaginations that remind me of past and future events. People and places i want to be with or travel to! nothing beats a smell of a sat afternoon braai or the unmistakable scent of the image when smelling sun tan lotion!
Even the shitty smells like tequila after a massive night reminds you of what an epic evening you had bar the fact that you first have to fight down the urge to shoot a cat.

it is yet another amazing day which started off with a happy stroll outside letting my nose tun wild with what are surely hints of summer smells to come!!!
have a flipping nose-nuzzling-nouveau-riche sniffing day!!!!

as its always a oh so coco crazy!

x o x o

Monday 26 September 2011

Candy Canned

So this past Saturday has been fully of fun and sun. Spring is a wonderful time of year and with it comes the naive nature of my winter birds nest brain. It was the most amazing day on Saturday. So much so that i actually picked myself out of bed and straight into my running gear and proceeded to take a 40min jog all around suburbia. Noting the slight heat while i was running but not thinking too much about it as the distinction between me working up a good sweat and the sun were still a little blurred at this time of the mornnig on an empty stomach.
On my arrival home i cooled down and started getting very excited about the rest of my weekend.
showered and pampered myself, doing my hair and dressing in summery outfits. This is unusual for me as i am more of a throw-on-a-pair-jean pant kind of girl.
Being the most incredible day thus far after winter i refuse to sit in the house. I take myself and my latest love outside for some quiet time.....reading in the sun!
Unaware of the time i have spent outside i just realize that its getting a little warm out here and decide to change in to a pair of shorts and a slinglet. In the back of my mind i am toying with the idea that you could possibly get a tan in this weather but ignore it as its only spring.
next thing you know i am sweating and decide that getting a little colour could well be in the cards and yet again run to change, this time braving my bikini.
Boy is this a great book and thanks to the lack of clothing now covering my body do i completely forget about the time and sit happily reading. Please note that i was sitting and not lying or in any other position for that matter as i was transfixed by this book.
As i walked back into the house my mom almost died rolling on the floor with laughter and then yelled at me. She points out my sensational tan!
I look as if i belong on a Christmas tree or outside a barber shop. This would not have been the problem if i were a super model, but alas i am a normal sized lass who has a few pleats when scrunch up reading on a chair. Once standing thought these pleats disappear and i am left with a beautiful red stripe, white stripe, red stripe and white stripe on my belly.......... IDIOT!!!

So here are a few tips on tanning which i received from a friend who made me write them down after viewing my burnt belly:
1. always put sun block on, even if its only factor 15
2. ly at the angle so your body and shadow are aligned
3. rotate every 15min
4. no strings or optimal option is no clothing
5. face = no tanning ever so always keep it covered! (sunglasses tan is a bitch to correct)

hope this has brightened your Monday!

chi chi xx coco

Friday 2 September 2011

How easy...

This has to be one of the easiest things i have ever started. Not that this has ever been a new years resolution, but i can proudly say i have started something new this year! Even if it is a blog! I still cant comprehend how simple this was!!!
Then again come to think of it, what cant you do these days in a simple 3 step process?
connect to the world:
step 1: get a device that can connect to the Internet
step 2: join a social network
step 3: reinvent yourself in order to gain many co connectors in order to communicate

Getting your husbands attention:
step 1: dress up in black
step 2: ensure you have DSTV remote written in massive bold letters
step 3: make sure your favourite buttons are in positions "2" "0" "1"

Adding Zing to your AmA...zing!
step 1: wear a pair or red shoes
step 2: add some bubbly
step 3: New York it!

have a fabulous day....

oh so coco

chanel x